Preliminary approaches to the Argentine academic profession

A comparative analysis from the caseof the National University of Mar del Plata


  • Jonathan Aguirre Centro de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias en Educación, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (CIMed-UNMdP)
  • Luis Porta Centro de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias en Educación, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (CIMed-UNMdP)



higher education, college, academic profession, statistical indicators


The article we present is derived from the first inquiries of broader postdoctoral research that seeks to  understand the plots presented by postgraduate training in the Argentine academic profession at the national and local level. Likewise, this study is inserted in the productions of the Research Group in Higher Education and Academic Profession (GIESPA) developed within the framework of the international project APIKS (Academic Profession in the Knowledge-Based Society) in which participate various teams of researchers from more than 30 countries. In this context, in the first stage of our inquiry, we statistically characterize the main features that define the profession of academics in Argentina while comparing them with the indicators presented by the National University of Mar del Plata. The analyzed information was gathered from a comparative analysis of the 2017 Yearbook of the Secretariat of University Policies (SPU) and the various institutional statistical documents of our university. From a comparative methodological perspective and recovering the contributions that mixed approaches give to socio-educational research, we share the preliminary and exploratory advances of our postdoctoral study, contributing to the enrichment of the debates around the academic profession as an object of study in permanent expansion, both thematic and methodological.


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2021-07-23 — Updated on 2020-12-18

How to Cite

Aguirre, J., & Porta, L. (2020). Preliminary approaches to the Argentine academic profession: A comparative analysis from the caseof the National University of Mar del Plata. Revista IRICE, (39), 53–86.



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