The Transversality concept and its contribution to education


  • Deicy Correa Mosquera
  • Isabel Guzmán Ibarra Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua (UACH)
  • Rigoberto Marín Uribe Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua (UACH)



transversality, transdisciplinarity, curriculum, training model


This paper deals with the concept of transversality. In it, the complex nature of its meaning is analyzed and its importance is defined in relation to the way in which the unitary thought of the disciplines has transformed, but also the way it serves to think and resize the curriculum, and a diversity of problems of humanity. It also examines its educational purposes, and the role it plays in the construction of new training models.The article is divided into four sections. The first section raises aspects related to the origin of the concept. In this sense, the intellectual production that constitutes the conceptual infrastructure of transversality is examined. The second section describes the sources, bases, orientations or approaches that have made it possible to develop the conceptualization of mainstreaming. The third section discusses the construction of the concept that integrates the bases and orientations elaborated from different sources. Finally, the conclusions are drawn, which show the importance of making transversality the founding principle of training models. This proposal is crucial to guide research that favors a new training culture and a new vision of learning as a source of all individual or collective social purpose. The articulation between transversality and the training model is crucial to reconceptualize not only the curriculum as a means of training.


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2021-12-07 — Updated on 2022-03-23

How to Cite

Correa Mosquera, D., Guzmán Ibarra, I., & Marín Uribe, R. (2022). The Transversality concept and its contribution to education. Revista IRICE, (40), 335–356.



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