Tomiris and the blood: Narratives on ancient women in the Spanish military treatises of the Renaissance


  • Sandra Suárez García Universidad de Granada



Women, Treaties, Military, Antiquity, Renaissance


We explore the narratives adopted by sixteenth-century authors on women from the Ancient World in various Spanish military treatises. It is of particular interest to observe which female characters and/or stories are mentioned, in what context, and their function in the construction of the military-theoretical discourses of the Renaissance. Thus, it is of paramount importance to analyse how these women and their attributes (physical, moral) are described and how they relate to the authors' female contemporaries and the duties of members of the military, in order to connect with the ideal of the perfect Christian soldier of the sixteenth century. We consider that these narratives on ancient women, intimately connected to the impact of the Latin classics on 16th century military treatises, will have a great relevance in the perception and generation of discourses on fundamental theoretical and practical aspects of military life: from the soldier's chastity, to violence against women or their presence as companions of the troops.


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How to Cite

Suárez García, S. (2024). Tomiris and the blood: Narratives on ancient women in the Spanish military treatises of the Renaissance. Prohistoria. Historia, políticas De La Historia, (41).



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