Malvinas and the World: Historical Shipping Registers of the Islands (1826-1832 and 1842-1914)


  • Sofía Clara Haller Patagonian Institute of Social and Human Sciences, National Patagonian Centre, National Scientific and Technical Research Council, Puerto Madryn, Argentina



Malvinas, Maritime History, Port, Patagonia, Sealers


The historical shipping records of the Malvinas Islands coasts allow us to explore the maritime connections that the archipelago had between 1826 and 1914. The reconstruction of such connections, integrated with heterogeneous information from different archives and databases of historical voyages, makes it possible to identify the activities and needs that brought ships to the Malvinas Islands, the different actors that were part of their history, the change in the maritime relation before and after the British occupation of 1833, and the international connections of the archipelago with different points in continental Patagonia and the strait of Magellan.


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How to Cite

Haller, S. C. (2020). Malvinas and the World: Historical Shipping Registers of the Islands (1826-1832 and 1842-1914). Prohistoria. Historia, políticas De La Historia, (34), 315–337.



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