The perspectives of Benjamin and Adorno regarding the work of art


  • Agustín Casanovas Universidad Nacional de Quilmes



Benjamin, Adorno, Work of art, Aesthetics, Critical theory


While Benjamin had hope in the technically reproduced works of art’s revolutionary potential and denounced the fascist elaboration of the categories linked to the auratic work of art, Adorno condemned the cultural industry’s products as functional to the instrumental rationality and expected that the authentic works of art were the place where the sensitive truth, related to reconciliation and happiness, appear. The following article tries to set up a dialogue between the perspectives of both authors regarding concepts as aura, repeatability and similarity and the roles of politics and audiences in arts. The pretention is to partially illuminate the different visions on human emancipation that lead one of them to the dialectization of the technically reproduced art and the other one to do the same, but with the authentic art.


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How to Cite

Casanovas, A. (2018). The perspectives of Benjamin and Adorno regarding the work of art. Estudios Del ISHiR, 8(20), 127–134.