Estudo das comunidades tradicionais: os faxinais integração entre a escola e a vivência do aluno


  • Cleusi T. Bobato Stadler
  • Ancelmo Schorner



Regions, Traditional Peoples, Faxinal, Teaching of History


In this article, stands out an experience in the classroom on the regional study about faxinais with students of the State College Alcides Muñoz, in the town of Imbituva-Pr. Faxinais are traditional communities. It were legitimate by Federal Decree No. 10,408 de 2006. Work with Traditional Communities is part of the Paraná State Curriculum Guidelines. Because some students of the State College Alcides Muñoz live in rural communities that were organized in faxinal system, we chose to work in a classroom where students are from, mostly, the localities in which they adopted some traditional practices: Faxinal dos Galvãos, Faxinal dos Penteados, Ribeira dos Leões, all located in Imbituva / PR / BR.


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How to Cite

Bobato Stadler, C. T., & Schorner, A. (2014). Estudo das comunidades tradicionais: os faxinais integração entre a escola e a vivência do aluno. Estudios Del ISHiR, 4(10), 5–22.