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Author Guidelines

This journal welcomes articles in Spanish, English, French, Portuguese and Italian. They must be original and unpublished and conform to the following guidelines.

Submission and layout:

* Microsoft Word file, preferably .doc (Word 97-2003) extension.
* Page Size: A4.
* Margins: 3 cm left and right; 2.5 cm top and bottom.
* The text should be submitted without any type of indentation or tabulation.
* Images, maps, blueprints or graphics: send each one separately in .jpg file (300 dpi minimum); please mark where they should be located in the text, with the corresponding headline and caption.
* Tables: send each one separately, in Word file.


* Articles: maximum 70.000 characters, including spaces, notes and bibliography.
* “From Reliable Sources” section: the maximum will be 35.000 characters, including spaces, notes and bibliography, both for critical studies and commentaries on collections, as well as for transcription of unpublished documents.
* Reviews: maximum 9.000 characters, including spaces and notes. Note: accepted reviews will be published on our blog:

On the first page, please include:

* Headline in Spanish and English.
* Name and Surname.
* Institutional affiliation, write the full name of the institution (e.g.: National Council for Scientific and Technical Research).
* Email address.
* Abstract (max. 100 words) and keywords (max. 5), in English and Spanish.                       

Heading and Subheadings:

Heading (in English and Spanish) in bold.
First-level subheadings: lowercase bold.
Second-level subheadings: bold italic.
[Further subdivisions will not be accepted].
Subheadings should not be numbered or end in full stop.


* Do not use bold or underline in any case. Any highlighting on the text will be made exclusively in italic.
* Use italic for words in a language other than the one used to write the paper.
* Titles of works referred to in the body text will be written as follows: italics for books and "quotation marks" for papers.

Citation in the body text:

* Use "quotation marks", do not use "quotation marks and italic", unless you want to highlight a word or segment within the quote. In that case, always state if the highlighting belongs to the original or to the author of the paper.
* For quotes exceeding four lines, place them between quotation marks, 2 cm to the left and 1 cm to the right. DO NOT reduce font size or modify line spacing.
* To replace omitted words within a quote, use ellipsis if they are placed at the beginning or end, and ellipsis between square brackets […] if they are within the quote. For example: “…estos textos no escapan completamente a las presiones de la ideología dominante […] a causa de las restricciones que imponía la escritura.” (Duby, 1980: 195)


* Do not use idem, or ibid.
* Documentary sources will be quoted in footnotes. The first time they appear, their name should be written in full and, henceforth, only the acronym. For this, use the "Insert Footnote" button in your word processor; the superscript number should always be placed after the punctuation mark.

* For unpublished sources, the first time they appear, the name of the repository should be written in full and, henceforth, only the acronym, for example:
Archivo General de la Nación [AGN], Sala VII, Archivo Rufino de Elizalde [ARE], legajo núm. 3449.
Then: AGN, Sala VII, ARE. legajo, núm. 3449.

* To quote printed sources, the first time they appear include: Document. Full Reference. The following times: Document, First word/s of the reference. 
For example:
Cortes de Toledo de 1480, ítem 24. In Cortes de los Antiguos Reinos de León y de Castilla, Tomo IV, (1882). Real Academia de la Historia, Establecimiento Tipográfico de los Sucesores de Rivadeneyra, imprenta de la Real Casa.
The following times:
Cortes de Toledo de 1480, ítem 56, en Cortes.

* For printed sources by an editor:
Document Name, in Surname (year)
[Full references will be included in the bibliography section at the end]
For example:
Ordenanzas Reales de 1489. In Garriga (2007).
[In the Bibliographic References: Garriga, C. (2007). Recopilación de las Ordenanzas de la Real Audiencia y Chancillería de Valladolid. Consejo General del Poder Judicial]

Bibliographic References:

This journal uses APA standards (American Psychological Association) 7th edition:

* The Bibliographic References section will be included at the end of the paper, according to the following instructions and examples:
Davis, N. Z. (1975). The Return of Martin Guerre. Harvard University Press.
Book chapter:
Salomon, F. (1999). Testimonies: The Making and Reading of Native South American Historical Sources. In S. B. Schwartz, & F. Salomon (Eds.), The Cambridge history of the native peoples of the Americas (Vol. III, pp. 19-95). Cambridge University Press.
Journal article:
Subrahmanyam, S. (1997). Connected Histories: Notes Towards a Reconfiguration of Early Modern Eurasia. Modern Asian Studies, 31(3), 735-762. 
* For cases of multiple articles with the same author and year of publication, a lowercase letter will be added. (For example: 2012a / 2012b).

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.