Argentines in Spain: a comparison between the employment of exiles and economic migrants


  • Fernando Osvaldo Esteban Universidad de Buenos Aires Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas



Spain, argentine immigration, labor market, labor mobility, exile


This article analyses the transnational occupational mobility of argentines in Spain, from the last employment in origin to the first in destination. The article focuses on three different migratory flows: political exile (1975-1983), the first economic migration (1984-1999) and the last one (2000-2007). The National Immigrant Survey conducted in Spain in 2007 provided the statistical data. The results proved that immigrants did not improve the employment status they had before emigrating; on the contrary, they experienced downward mobility from a higher position in Argentina. In addition, we found a better employment of older migration flows, specially exiles, due to structural factors such as migration policy and the structure of the labor market and, to a lesser extent, individual factors such as educational level, sex or age of migrants.


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How to Cite

Esteban, F. O. (2018). Argentines in Spain: a comparison between the employment of exiles and economic migrants. Avances Del Cesor, 15(18), 45–78.


