The curvature of the lexicon in the poetry of anarchist workers of the nineteenth century in Uruguay


  • Daniel Vidal Saraví Instituto de Letras, Universidad de la República



poetry, Anarchism, workers, Uruguay, 1900


In the unpublished poems of 14 male anarchist workers residing in Uruguay at the beginning of the 20th century, emerges both a contamination of a conceptual civilizing discourse, typical of bourgeois intellectuals, and the saturation of a prelinguistic language immersed in adjectives and images, attractive to audiences with little literate culture. In this sway, the resistance to social domestication on the part of institutional politics is forged, which, in a first moment, achieves the curvature of the lexicon (Lourau). The rebound movement and insurrectionary hope rise up by appealing to the cry and the praxis of the poet-activist. This prelinguistic dimension and the vital buttress of the questioning subject, link the symbolic universe with the real world enabling the subversive instance. The poems signed by workers emerge from the corpus of anarchist poetry on a time of hybrid aesthetics and legitimizing tensions (Vidal), mostly signed by writers with anarchist thinking rather than by anarchist that write (Ansolabehere; Lida; Delgado), amazed more by the world of the letters rather than the anonymous revolutionary combat.


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How to Cite

Vidal Saraví, D. (2023). The curvature of the lexicon in the poetry of anarchist workers of the nineteenth century in Uruguay. Avances Del Cesor, 20(28).




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