Writing Eva’s Death: Obituaries and Popular Memories in Argentina


  • Sandra Gayol Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas




written death, emotions, popular memories, Peronism, Argentina


The article focusses on the analysis of condolence letters, poetry and musical compositions that men and women sent to President Juan Domingo Perón regarding the death of his wife Eva in 1952. It dives into the very diverse languages, objects and situations that structured the writing, as well as the emotions associated with the loss. Through the letters, an attempt was made to communicate and put in order the experiences of pain; to narrate the feelings of the people as an expression of the prolific political bond between the mourners and Peronism; or even to propose how to remember Eva and who should keep the political and emotional heritage posed by her disappearance. The corpus of letters provides a unique opportunity to explore the ways in wich some men and women tried to make sense of a crucial historical event in their lives in particular, for Peronism in general, and for Argentine politics beyond the ritual as it was planned and controlled by the State.


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Author Biography

Sandra Gayol, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas


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How to Cite

Gayol, S. (2021). Writing Eva’s Death: Obituaries and Popular Memories in Argentina. Avances Del Cesor, 18(25). https://doi.org/10.35305/ac.v18i25.1533




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