"La mejor lista". The Critica newspaper and the elections of the year 1928


  • Diego Cives IDAES/UNSAM




elections, Crítica newspaper, editorial coverage, Independent Socialist Party, Socialist Party


The purpose of this article is to analyse the Crítica's newspaper coverage of 1928-year legislative elections, in favour of the Independent Socialist Party. First, we will describe the role assumed by this evening paper as a "political agent". Next, we will focus on the causes that led to break off relations with the Socialist Party, led by Juan B. Justo. This will allow us to understand the "supreme" effort and interest, projected by Natalio Botana's newspaper to help the independent socialists to achieve the desired goal: to be the first deputies' minority in the federal Capital.


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How to Cite

Cives, D. (2017). "La mejor lista". The Critica newspaper and the elections of the year 1928. Estudios Del ISHiR, 7(19), 30–42. https://doi.org/10.35305/eishir.v7i19.764