The situation political of 1810-1816 in Cordoba: development of the process, positioning adopted and local disputes


  • María Virginia Ramos Universidad Nacional de Córdoba



Revolutionary Process, General Constituent Assembly, Independence, Congress of Tucuman


The purpose of this paper is to reconstruct the development of the political process that took place in Córdoba during the period 1810-1816, taking into account the different positions that were adopted in the local space in that convulsed stage of rupture with the colonial order. In this sense, we will analyze the reaction of the main authorities of Córdoba after the revolutionary outbreak of May, where there were opponents and adherents to the Junta de Buenos Aires, the participation in the Assembly of the Year XIII, the links with the artiguismo and the consequent declaration of the provincial independence, and finally the intervention in the Congress of Tucumán. For this we focus on the action of the local political elite that occupied the main place in the Cabildo, noting their positions, alignments and conflicts.


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How to Cite

Ramos, M. V. (2017). The situation political of 1810-1816 in Cordoba: development of the process, positioning adopted and local disputes. Estudios Del ISHiR, 7(18), 20–42.


