"Pro deo et pro pane”. The everyday clergy´s life through epistolary correspondence. Nogoyá, Entre Ríos, 1910-1926.


  • María Clarisa Segura Universidad naciona de Rosario




Catholic Church, parochial clergy, epistolary correspondence, subjectivity


The purpose of this article is to analyse the figure of the parochial clergy from the perspective of their ordinary life. To achieve this, the article focuses on the period of parochial exercise of three priests from the city of Nogoyá, in the province of Entre Rios. The sources used are their respective epistolary correspondence addressed, for many different reasons, to the Archbishop. These are conceived as a means of access to the subjective dimension and the sphere of sociability of these actors, as well as a way to understand the process of construction of Catholicism in relation with the socioeconomic development of the city. The period of analysis goes from 1910 to 1926.


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How to Cite

Segura, M. C. (2017). "Pro deo et pro pane”. The everyday clergy´s life through epistolary correspondence. Nogoyá, Entre Ríos, 1910-1926. Estudios Del ISHiR, 7(18), 201–218. https://doi.org/10.35305/eishir.v7i18.738


