Book review of: ALBA, Yolanda. Masonas. Historia de la masonería femenina. Córdoba: Almuzara. 2014. 224 páginas. ISBN 978-84-1610010-1


  • Micaela Pellegrini Malpiedi Investigaciones Socio-históricas Regionales, ISHIR (CONICET-UNR)



freemasonry, women, gender


Reviewing this book rise a question that strains the exercise itself: why draft a book that was published ten years ago? The question, which in general terms may seem simple, has within it a historiographic debt on the part of the intellectual community towards those women who participated (and resisted) within the spaces of Masonic sociability. In part, this book serves as a source of inspiration for future research within the Argentine historiographic field, which, at times, has been reluctant to investigate its Masonic women. We can think that this vacancy is due to the fact that this historical line was linked to the common sense that associates it with mystery and the hidden, but also with the mistaken certainty that it was an exclusive space for men. The absence of investigations that provide an account of this issue places in a cone of shadows the problematization of the place of women in these spaces of sociability with a wide impact on the political-cultural decision-making of modern states.


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How to Cite

Pellegrini Malpiedi, M. (2024). Book review of: ALBA, Yolanda. Masonas. Historia de la masonería femenina. Córdoba: Almuzara. 2014. 224 páginas. ISBN 978-84-1610010-1. Estudios Del ISHiR, 14(38).