Echoes of an absence. Silence and postmemory in the family memory of the antifascist fight


  • Celeste De Marco Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, CONICET



memory, postmemory, family, anti-fascism, partisans


This paper aims to investigate family memories to understand how a young man in his twenties, buried with honors for his contribution to the anti-fascist struggle, became like a shadow in family memory while receiving institutional recognition from the Italian state. This is linked to a very complex issue in the construction of post-fascist Italy, namely the evaluation of the figure of the partisans. In understanding this contradiction, I opt to engage with the concept of post-memory, understood as a type of vicarious and affective memory that allows the processing of traumatic memories from previous generations and is incorporated as a valuable analytical resource for understanding the problem under study.


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How to Cite

De Marco, C. (2024). Echoes of an absence. Silence and postmemory in the family memory of the antifascist fight. Estudios Del ISHiR, 14(38).