e so echo of working children in the interior of Argentina. Children’s experiences in the word of urban labour (Córdoba, second half of the 1920s)


  • Fernando J. Remedi




childhood, labour market, experiences, child labour, social inequality


This article seeks to approach children’s participation
in the world of labour in the city of Córdoba during the second
half of the 1920s. Its purpose is to learn the type of tasks they
performed, their labour trajectories and the mechanisms to enter
the labour market, as well as to recreate their experiences as
workers and rescue their voices. To do so, a qualitative and
intensive analysis is conducted, which studies twelve news items
from a 1927 children’s supplement in a newspaper from the city
of Córdoba. These news items indented to reveal the local reality
of child labour, appealing to interviews done to child workers in
their usual location of paid work.


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How to Cite

Remedi, F. J. (2022). e so echo of working children in the interior of Argentina. Children’s experiences in the word of urban labour (Córdoba, second half of the 1920s). Estudios Del ISHiR, 12(32). https://doi.org/10.35305/eishir.v12i32.1566