"Proposals for the organized participation of the community”: cultural policy, provincial integration and articulation of state capabilities in La Pampa



  • Paula I. Laguarda Instituto de Estudios Socio-Históricos Instituto de Estudios Históricos y Sociales de La Pampa CONICET-UNLPam




cultural policy, state capabilities, planification, social participation, Peronism


This article analyzes the implementation of the project “Proposals for the organizedparticipation of the community”, as an organizer of the cultural public policies formulated by the provincial State of La Pampa in the period 1989-1995. Within the framework of a process of reorganization and hierarchization of provincial cultural administration, this initiative sought to integrate the different localities of La Pampa into a shared political project, under the Peronist meaning of "organized community". The pillarsof the project were the articulation of state capabilities between the province and municipalities, the development of local cultural institutions, the institutionalization of social participation at the community level, and territorial integration, contrary to the neoliberal national cultural policies of the same period, which promoted the reduction of the State and the determination of culture by economy.



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How to Cite

Laguarda, P. I. (2021). "Proposals for the organized participation of the community”: cultural policy, provincial integration and articulation of state capabilities in La Pampa: (1989-1995). Estudios Del ISHiR, 11(31). https://doi.org/10.35305/eishir.v11i31.1553