“Ved en trono la noble igualdad”. e concept of equality in rioplatense political discourse (1810-1813).


  • Facundo Lafit Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana “Emilio Ravignani” UBA/CONICET




equality, egalitarianism, political discourse, rioplatense revolution, popular mobilization


is article inquire in the egalitarian discourse and the
uses of the concept of equality in the Río de la Plata between
1810 and 1813, based on the analysis of the periodical press
and other sources of the period such as proclamations and
decrees of the revolutionary government. We seek to examine
the network of concepts, images and metaphors linked to this
notion and its changes throughout the period. We also wonder
about what kind of equality could be proposed, practiced and
imagined in a stamental society in war and revolution, where
popular mobilization was based on novel political principles
and the questioning of the structures and practices of the
colonial order. We start from the hypothesis that there were
different conceptions about what equality was, not only between
the rioplatense enlightened factions, but also in relation to
the aspirations that promoted the political participation of the
popular sectors, this concept being a space of constant dispute.


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How to Cite

Lafit, F. (2022). “Ved en trono la noble igualdad”. e concept of equality in rioplatense political discourse (1810-1813). Estudios Del ISHiR, 12(32). https://doi.org/10.35305/eishir.v12i32.1298